Monday, July 21, 2008

episode 5 and a half: "one monkey dont stop tha show and cant no motherfuckin monkey stop my flow"

Yeah im gona open this little halfisode with a line i just made up.
I had a lot of shows in the past month.. theoretically. I got shafted for my gig at love park. apparenlty reigional management has a lot of "talent" and when they have a satge and their talent shows up, booked or not, they get a shot at glory.
Im not in regional management.
the guy who offered me the original show offered me a chance to come back the next day, he had noone booked so i had the whole 2 hours, i was ready to spin a nice lunchtime dance party.

wouldnt ya know it,i get there and some old guy has the stage on lock and he's pushin his old school r&b doo wop outfit.. THEY SUCK! then he gets up and puts on some old drunk guy , not dressed to perform mind you, who's singing in some sick perverted high pitched voice, breaks into Jackson 5 tunes and has some old broad with puppets sitting sidestage. man WTF . so finally after the old farts bitch and moan about not getting enough time on stage and nooone being there to see them and not getting good promotion( if you suck.. noone will come besides your fanbase is either by a fan or on base... its hot out and love park is full of kids white tourists and crackheads.)
anyway my contact finally gets the stage and I cant set up my shit because he didnt get the table I asked for and his artists begin showing up outta nowhere. like just of the fucking street corner. from the hopeful naive little white songstress to the singing hodrat and even the whack dvd rappers who spin an angle of "positivity" they all get on and try to sling their records and I get shafted. furthermore i had to share setup space a small setup space with some other dj's and we were scheduled to split a 15 minute set. are you shitting me?

i plugged up and was gettin ready to rock... my hard drive failed on me. aint this a bitch.

lets see the clark park show went well. thats it.

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