Monday, June 29, 2009

Episode 27: Cold beverages

a lot has happened since my last post. Micheal Jackson died, I got sick again, I swore off of superdope and off of one night stands becoming recurring morning fucks.

in detail, aside from the mike dying .

Superdope as some of you may know is a party that a close family member ( and my former DJ) throws. initially i was the host alongside another ally Fame. well long story short it ended up that though i was dedicated hosting and promoting with no mic at the time , known at the party and all that jazz, my role got wrapped up and handed to tuphace, another local rapper with a longer resume( and a former neighbor of mine, small hood) I got pushed back to mere freestyles and bullshit. I tried to enjoy it but theres so much else i could be doing other than watch a billion other cats get shoutouts and spotlighted while i chill and watch sports center cuz the drinks cost too much. ive decided to not go unless something of interest is happening or I have a date. other than that its boring. but best of luck to the new superdope crew.

*radio edit*

i really need to exhibit some self control in my life and all these people, these friends gone hollywood, these "grown" "young" women looking for a quick rush to complain about later

oh god, I... I...I'm becoming fake. the man in the mirror and i need to talk, cuz I feel like a stranger in moscow.

i need a cold one .